According to the study by the International Data Group, 69% of businesses are already using Cloud technology and 18% say they plan to implement Cloud Computing solutions. This trend has been driven by the pandemic and its benefits are being recognized by an increasing number of people.
In the mobile payments’ ecosystem, we are experiencing Cloud payment platform’s multiple advantages linked to security, cost savings, efficiency and ultimately, business growth.
Download our infographic and discover how the Cloud brings more profit with our DCB payment platform, DV Pass:
Closer look: The advantages of deploying DV Pass in the Cloud
DV Pass deployment in the Cloud offers a scalable configuration and upgradeable maintenance without hardware and time constraints. The Cloud doesn’t only accommodate a SaaS platform, but also infrastructure as a service which is scalable as well. Besides, it has unlimited storage.
No need to invest on infrastructure and maintenance. The Cloud provides an easy access to your company’s data while saving time and money. DV Pass uses remote resources, which saves costs of servers and other technological equipment. In addition, by relying on our platform to take care of DCB hosting and infrastructure, our partners have more time to devote towards other business aspects.
It is safer to keep sensitive information offsite. 94% of businesses say they saw an improvement in security after implementing Cloud solutions. * DV Pass offers security monitoring and anti-fraud features that are more efficient than an on-premises system. Our more than 10 years of experience has demonstrated an excellent know-how on DCB security.
*Source: RapideScale
In order to ensure business continuity, deploying DV Pass in the Cloud provides an effective and quick back-up and recovery to restore your data. Our DCB platform offers an AWS hosting with multi-site back-up, with SLAs of 99,999999999% durability and 99,99% availability.
DV Pass allows complete visibility without losing any control over your data and platform parameters. You can easily decide which users have what level of access to what data. This gives you control, but also streamlines work. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency and assure quality in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any update.
The Cloud mode allows rapid deployment of the platform and integration of the merchants. This optimal deployment allows you to advance with your production process in a timely manner, giving you increased financial visibility.
DV Pass in the Cloud offers a flexible integration with other platforms and an instant response to extra bandwidth, processing or storage demands.
The Cloud enables automatic refresh and real-time, up-to-date security upgrade.
Collaboration between operational teams in a highly convenient and secure manner regardless of their physical locations.
The deployment of DV Pass in Cloud mode allows automatic software integration. It facilitates the integration of merchants who have already integrated the API. The Cloud mode grants more compatibility options for any integration.
Resources can be easily stored, retrieved, recovered or processed within just a few clicks. Besides, teams who are working on the premises or in the remote locations can easily access all the services.
As a smart data company, Digital Virgo is fully focused on data innovation. Deploying DV Pass in Cloud mode offers integrated cloud analytics for a bird’s-eye view of your data. You can easily implement tracking mechanisms and build customized reports to analyze all your information.
The financial model integrates all present and future needs without budgetary surprises. Software updates are also integrated in the economic proposal.
Cloud infrastructures reduce environmental footprint for a sustainable future. A Pike Research report predicted data center energy consumption would drop by 31% from 2010 to 2020 based on the adoption of Cloud computing and other virtual data tools.
More about DV Pass by Digital Virgo
Our platform supports Carriers and Merchants in the management of an efficient, safe and sustainable DCB ecosystem. DV Pass’ agility and fast integration, enhanced by global know-how and local expertise, make it a unique solution.
-It facilitates the onboarding of new merchants and OTT platforms.
-It protects end users from any type of fraud thanks to the collaborations with third parties combined with internal artificial intelligence tools that analyze customer behaviors, traffic and trend data.
-It provides the carrier’s customer care with all the tools and analysis to improve customer relationship management.
Ultimately, our DV Pass solution enhanced by our global presence and local expertise, brings sustainable growth.
Want to know more about DV Pass? Visit our website or contact our experts!