Why is fantasy football attracting players?
Fantasy Football at its essence is a game of strategy and analytics. Users can choose from players, using the latest statistics to make informed choices of who to choose. Depending on how that player performs in real life matches, the user will receive points. What makes Clicnscores different is that it limits how many times you can ask for a player. Once a player is selected for a match, there is a 28 day hold on reselection of the same player. This adds an extra layer of strategy for players and lets them develop their sport management skills. The free app, created to increase Telco customer engagement utilizes the latest statistics so that players can have the latest information at their fingertips.
Fantasy football, the new must-have for Telcos
Fantasy football lets people who love the game of football not just watch it but interact with it. This application taps into this audience to add an extra layer of excitement for sports fans and use the second screen phenomenon. By engaging customers using Clicnscores gamification, Telco operators can give their clients the latest sporting stats and increase their passion for the game. According to Nielson Global Sports Marketing Report 2022, 31% of Gen Z regularly play games while watching sports.
Creating solutions for Telcos
Our product team have been hard at work creating an engaging solution for customer retention and growth for Telcos. Profiting on our extensive statistical analytics for Clicnscores, this interactive solution provides Telcos with the chance to retain and grow their customer base while profiting from the full Clicnscores offer. Our teams use their technical expertise to create solutions that attract and retain customers.
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